Bottle Tree shipped to China
Project Japan
Project Japan
Project Japan
Bottle Trees for Japan (1)
Trees being inspected for shipment to Japan
Bottle Trees for Japan (3)
Bottle Trees for Japan
Getting ready to plant Bottle Trees in China
Bottle Trees arrived China
Macrozamia at park in China
Macrozamia's sent to China
Macrozamia's sent to China
5th Construction Fair - China
Macro9zamia's at 4th International Garden & Flower Exposition
Macrozamia's at 4th China International Garden & Flower Exposition
5th Construction Fair - China
China shipment
Macrozamia's sent to China
Macrozamia's sent to China
Ready for shipment
Macrozamia's ready for export (2)
Preparing Bottle Trees for China (1)
Receiving award at 4th China International Garden & Flower Exposition
Export June 23rd, 2016Jacqui